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A better way of meeting other Christian Singles in your area

Sucess Story... it can happen to you too


Hi KRA Academy:

I am writing to thank you, as I met my current fiancée at one of  events. Myself and Sharon (pictured) were the first couple to chat at one of your Christian Singles Dating event in Novermber of last year. Neither of us had been to one of the KRA singles event before. We had both brought Christian friends to make it so fun. I brought a female friend and she brought a male friend. Unfortunately, our friends didn't hit it off as much as we did! We corresponded via phone a few days later and before long were spending tons of time together. Your service was so perfect for us. We are two professionals Christians (a doctor and a teacher)  Going into the evening we knew it would be a blast regardless of the outcome.


Thanks for putting up such a wonderful event!


KRA Christian Singles Club... 


KRA is one of the world's largest Christian Dating service for Christian singles with monthly events in over 10 cities in the US, Africa and Canada. If you are a Christian single and  you don't have time to meet new people, the KRA Singles events is for you.


KRA Christian events are so fun, safe and efficient way for busy Christian singles to meet in person. You will have an opportunity to meet other people in your age range and interest group through a series of face-to-face ten minute "dates" in a private area at a local upscale restaurant. Come and be part of our amazing... many face-to-face "dates" in just one night!




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