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Is he really into you, or is he just looking for a good time?

Or maybe you’re so into him you see things that aren’t there. The question is how can you tell? How can you be sure he’s as ‘all that’ as you think he is and feels the same way about you?

The clues to knowing if he’s the real deal or not aren’t the big, showy gestures you might think. Newsflash: reality shows that show single girls getting swept off their feet by expensive gifts and over-the-top destination dates are about as far from being reality as Santa Claus. So stop keeping score with flowers, gifts, and fancy dinners. Instead, pay attention to what really matters; who he is as a person and how he treats you emotionally. Does he like you for who you are or is he looking for a project? Does he respect you or are you his arm candy or a way to keep his mom off his back?

Let’s take a look at the top twelve ways to know if a guy is really interested in you for all the right reasons. Then ask yourself if you’re guy is the real deal and worth the investment of your heart or whether it’s time to move on.

1. He Calls for no Reason

If a guy is really interested in you and you’ve already gone out a few times, he will call just to say hi, see how your day is going or to tell you he saw or heard something that made him think of you.

If you’ve only had one date, you’ll know he’s interested in one turning into two and then three and then…if he calls within the first couple of days. If he doesn’t he’s either out of town on business (really) or he’s just out of the game.

2. He will want to spend time with you

If a guy wants to spend time with you he will. He will take the initiative to ask you out. No matter how busy a man is, if he really wants to see you, he will make time for you. No excuses, lies, or broken promises. He won’t say things like “we should get together again sometime...” and leave you hanging. Or “If I ever find myself without anything to do again on Friday night I might call you.” Another good sign: he likes hanging out just to talk or take a walk.

3. He will take you out on a proper date.

None of this “Hey, I’m out with some friends, wanna meet up?” Guys like this don’t want to know you and love you for who you are—they just want to prove something to their friends. There’s also something to be said for a guy who isn’t afraid to let you hang out with him and his friends sometimes, though. It all comes down to balance. If a man really wants to get to know you, he will put in the time and the effort to spend time one-on-one with you, and see what you are all about. In the words of your grandmother, he will woo you and court you like a gentleman should.

4. He will introduce you to his friends...I mean real friends not face book friends.

This is where the balance between couple time and group time comes in. A guy worth having and a guy who is sincere in his feelings for you will include you in his entire life. That means his friends know about you—not just how hot or sexy you are, but how interesting, funny, and amazing you are. This won’t happen after the first couple of dates, but as time goes on, if he’s interested in a real relationship, he’ll tell his friends about you and introduce you to them and makes you a part of his inner circle. When this happens (or if) make sure you show respect and appreciation by making a sincere effort to get to know them and be their friend.

5. He doesn't push for sex

Somehow there’s this ‘rule’ about a third date and sex. I’m not sure where this comes from, but don’t feel like you owe a guy after three dates. You don’t. You don’t own anyone anything when it comes to your body. And if a a guy doesn’t agree with that or if he pushes for sex, pouts about not getting it, you are better off without him. And if you think sex is going to keep him, think again. If a guy is serious about you as a person and about being in a committed relationship, he’s willing to wait and doesn’t use sex as a bargaining tool.

6. He Listens

Is the conversation always all about him or does he ask you questions, seek out your opinion, and genuinely seem interested in what you have to say? When a guy’s really into you, he not only makes you a part of the conversation, but he also asks for your input, listens intently, and responds appropriately. Let your love interest know that you’re interested by listening and responding to him, as well. BEWARE: this isn’t a license to go all Toby Keith on him and be the queen of TMI. Remember…listen as much as you talk.

7. Body language.

Ursula tells Ariel that if she’s really got what Prince Eric wants, she can win him over without her voice. She tells Ariel to never underestimate the power of body language. I’m not suggesting you use Disney villains as your go-to for life advice, but in this case, listen to Ursula. A guy that is really interested isn’t afraid to look you in the eye. He turns his body toward you when you are talking and doesn’t fidget, tap his foot or look around like he’s looking for the nearest exit. He will hold your hand, hug you and give those tender little kisses that don’t lead to anything more.

8. His actions back up what he says.

Anyone can say one thing and do another. But when it comes to knowing whether or not a guy is really interested, his words need to back up his actions and vice versa. Words can be deceiving, but a guy’s actions will show his true colors sooner rather than later.

9. He will text or call you after a date.

It may not be before he gets home himself, but an interested guy will call you within 24 hours to tell you he had a good time, that he’d like to get together again or he just wants to make sure you feel the same.

10. He pays attention to you…not his phone on a date.

If a guy is more interested in texting, tweeting, updating a status or taking a selfie (with or without you in it) on a date, he’s really not that into you. FYI: if you are guilty of those things you shouldn’t wonder why he doesn’t call. Oh, but maybe he’ll catch you on Facebook. LOL JK

11. He is okay with PDA, but keeps it G-Rated.

The guy that is serious about a real relationship will have no problem with holding your hand, walking arm in arm, or putting his arm around you in public.

12. He Takes an Interest in your Interests

A surefire way to know if your man sees a future with you is if he takes an interest in your interests. Even if it’s something that doesn’t appeal to him. Remember rule #4? Well, the road goes both ways. If a guy is really interested in you he’ll be interested in the things that make you who you are; are, gardening, volleyball…even your dachshund, Snickers. He may not want to do everything you do, but he’ll be interested in the fact that it makes you the amazing woman you are. HINT: You need to return the favor.

CLOSE....In today's world ain’t nobody got time to mess with guys just playing the field and looking for a good time. That’s why you need to know how to see the difference in a guy like that and one who’s the real deal. For more information on how to become a Proverbs 3:15 woman or a Fascinating Wife Click here.

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