Love should be easy!
People who have a solid identity in the Lord can't be shaken by dateless droughts or never ending wedding invitations in the mail. Why? Because they are complete and whole in God and they know that if God himself said, " it is not good for man to be alone" ( Gen 2:18) then there is no need to panic because others are getting married. Don't stand on your ever changing feelings but stand firm on the word of God that never changes.
Remember, don't be so consumed in finding someone to meet your needs and give you a sense of significance that real living has taken a back-seat. I know nothing beats that magical experience of being in love and living happily ever after, but please don't life pass you by...
Have a life! When you have a life of your own, you attract others and because you have a life of your own you will be interesting to your partner, having something to offer and not totally depending on your partner to make you happy or meet your emotional needs.