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Types of women that repel men

Miss "I am the Bossy ": Being Ms boss can ruin your chances of getting married. When a man first meets you, he might think this character trait is cute, but after sometime he may start to feel like he is being told what to do by his teacher or mother and by the time you know it he will be gone...and you will have no one to push around. Men want to be respected at all times...if you can't respect him, then don't be with him.

Miss "Mind games": Sometimes women think that being super hard to get will help in landing a man. But the truth is, a man be intrigued by a hard to get lady in the beginning, but as soon as he decides that he is interested in her, all he wants is an honest straight forward relationship. If you like him...why do you want him to chase you forever? I mean, some will chase forever, but very few these days will do that. Love is a two way street, show the guy you like him if you do, don't waste his time or lead him on ...if you know you are not attracted to him or interested in him. Games are for kids.

Miss "I Will Change Him": What you see is what get. Accept him or leave him alone. No one has the power to change anyone, not even my dating tips ... it's ONLY God that has the power to change a human being...if you want him to change, then stay on your knees. ..(Of course, there are a few things you can change like his clothes etc)most women claim they love the guy just the way he is, but little by little, they start disliking everything about him. First, it's his wardrobe, then it's his taste in music... his friends and his hobbies, sometimes even changing how many times he should visit his own mother. Are you kidding me!

Miss "Ever Jealous": Trust him or leave him alone. Don't let your past relationship ruin your present relationship. Accusing a man of cheating over and over because your ex had a bunch of girlfriends...being jealous of every female co-worker including his former classmates...will ruin your relationship...remember this man did not just appear from another planet where he lived alone before he met you... if you fail to control your jealous rage he will have no choice but to leave you alone because he can't go through his life being prosecuted for somebody else's crimes.

Miss "I am so in Love and I Have Nothing Else Going On": You must a life of your own or you will become is very difficult to deal with a woman who has no life. Let that not be your portion. The guy maybe flattered that you are so into him at first, but very quickly, he will feel overwhelmed and suffocated by you. As a woman, you must have something going on in your own life so that you are not just waiting by the door for him to come home or take you out.

Miss "Daddy is Rich": Listen, just because your father is wealthy doesn't mean that your future husband must be rich too... busy looking for a doctor to marry you because your father is one. You are not looking for a father figure or a sugar are looking for a GOOD man...a husband, someone who can make a great father to your kids and a great husband to you. And that good man maybe in a simple clerk and not a doctor... marriage is not a reality show...wise up and open your eyes.

Miss "I Speak To My Mother Five Times A Day About Everything": Your mother is on speed dial and can't seem to make a decision or do anything without getting her opinion. Every small argument you are calling your mother, your man might think it's nice that you are so close to her family, but soon, he finds it to be way too much. He might not like it..a man just doesn't want to have to ask your mother's permission about everything in his life.

Miss " Gossiper" Shhh, I Shouldn't Really Be Saying This, But... most men are not into gossip...talking about other people may seem interesting, but that's not the way to first he might like it but eventually he will begin to wonder what you are saying behind his back. He may even stop taking your calls...Stop it!

Miss "Some of Us": Humility ladies...don't be the kind of woman who looks down on people...constantly talking about what the other people do and what the other people have... This kind of behavior places a lot of undue pressure on the man and eventually, he will get fed up that you don't appreciate what he has because you keep wishing what someone else has.

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